Happy New League Year! For 83 years, the Junior League of McAllen has carried out its mission to promote voluntarism, develop the potential of women, and improve communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. In the wake of stay-at-home orders and social distancing guidelines related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the League’s way of serving our members and our community has changed. Still, the relevancy of the League’s mission has not. Times such as these highlight the strength and adaptability of League volunteers and ignite passion within our members to create new and innovative programs to meet the needs of our community.
Since our inception in 1938, we have been hard at work to adapt and meet the needs of our community as times changed and needs evolved. Our 83rd year of the Junior League of McAllen will be a year of empowering each other and “Inspiring Change” within ourselves, our community, and the world.
As we work to continue to adjust to the changes around us, the Junior League of McAllen is proud to continue serving the McAllen community with critical volunteer support and advocacy designed to target four areas of need in the City of McAllen- Poverty Intervention, Family Support, Arts, Education & Cultural Enrichment, and Health & Wellbeing.
We will continue our vital service to McAllen and Hidalgo County through meaningful work on our journey together over the next year. Each of our fundraisers and community projects have unique opportunities to build upon their rich history and develop new, creative ideas. We will continue to invest in our members, by creating a clear path forward for our League through strategic planning and the development of our future leaders.
As your President, I am excited to lead and motivate this organization with the “Inspiring Change” theme. Like a butterfly, I hope we all embrace the changes one must go through to achieve beauty within ourselves and our community. I challenge each of you to re-engage in our mission and dedicate time and effort to our projects and fundraisers that support the impact we make in our community. Let us use our collective power to inspire and create change within ourselves, our community, and the world!
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
-Steve Jobs
Since our inception in 1938, we have been hard at work to adapt and meet the needs of our community as times changed and needs evolved. Our 83rd year of the Junior League of McAllen will be a year of empowering each other and “Inspiring Change” within ourselves, our community, and the world.
As we work to continue to adjust to the changes around us, the Junior League of McAllen is proud to continue serving the McAllen community with critical volunteer support and advocacy designed to target four areas of need in the City of McAllen- Poverty Intervention, Family Support, Arts, Education & Cultural Enrichment, and Health & Wellbeing.
We will continue our vital service to McAllen and Hidalgo County through meaningful work on our journey together over the next year. Each of our fundraisers and community projects have unique opportunities to build upon their rich history and develop new, creative ideas. We will continue to invest in our members, by creating a clear path forward for our League through strategic planning and the development of our future leaders.
As your President, I am excited to lead and motivate this organization with the “Inspiring Change” theme. Like a butterfly, I hope we all embrace the changes one must go through to achieve beauty within ourselves and our community. I challenge each of you to re-engage in our mission and dedicate time and effort to our projects and fundraisers that support the impact we make in our community. Let us use our collective power to inspire and create change within ourselves, our community, and the world!
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
-Steve Jobs