The Association of Junior Leagues International is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. VISION STATEMENT To continue the legacy of community leaders and inspire positive change in the Greater McAllen area. WHO ARE WE TODAY? JLM is made up of women who are interested in working with other women to serve the community. JLM women are professional, educated women who have many roles and responsibilities outside of League including work and family. They are part of a long-standing tradition of past Leaguers who have left a legacy in McAllen. JLM women continue to support JLM through a lifetime of volunteerism and membership. WHY DO WE EXIST? JLM exists to train and empower women to work together to create a better community. The training we provide prepares women to focus on issues that they can impact and make a positive change in the community. Our goal is to inspire women to have their voices heard, create positive change, and develop future leaders for our community. WHAT ORGANIZATIONS DO WE COMPETE WITH? Other organizations serve the same community and volunteer hours to various worthy causes, however, JLM is unique in the development of the Leaguer to provide training, learning opportunities and organizations skills to move leaguers to positions of influence in their community. We seek to inspire and prepare women to serve the community in future roles. HOW OPEN IS OUR MEMBERSHIP? To grow our league, membership is open to all women over 23 in the McAllen area. Members do not need a sponsor to apply for the provisional class. Our league is ethnically diverse and is open to all women. JLM has membership dues. WHAT ARE OUR LONG-TERM GOALS FOR THE NEXT THREE TO FIVE YEARS?